To add fractions, the denominators (bottom numbers) must be equal; so first convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then the numerators (top numbers) are added and the resulting fraction simplified:
3/5 = (3×2)/(5) = 6/10
1/10 =1/10
→ 3/5 + 1/10 = 6/10 + 1/10 = (6+1)/10 = 7/10
four fifths is equal to eight tents, so three tenths plus eight tenths is eleven tenths, or one and one tenth
Convert to same types to give six tenths and five tenths. That is eleven tenths. That is one and one tenth or 1.1 in decimal.
Four fifths divided by one tenth is 8
3/5 / 6 = 1/10, or one tenth.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To find one tenth less than four fifths, we can first convert four fifths to tenths. Four fifths is the same as eight tenths, so one tenth less than four fifths would be seven tenths. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little accidents!
one and one tenth
six tenths or three fifths
four fifths is equal to eight tents, so three tenths plus eight tenths is eleven tenths, or one and one tenth
One and one-half plus one-tenth equals 1 and six tenths or one and three fifths.
8 and 3/5 (Eight and three fifths)
It is four fifths
three fifths
three fifths plus one quarter = 17 twentieths
Three and four-fifths
four fifths
four fifths