Well, firstly, the LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of 3 and 7 is 21. Try to convert those fractions into fractions with denominators of 21. Multiply 3x7 in one thirds and 1x7, which changes one third to seven twenty-oneths. Multiply 7x3 in two sevenths and 2x3, which changes two sevenths to six twenty-oneths. Therefore, one third (seven twenty-oneths) is greater than two sevenths (six twenty-oneths).
One third of one hundred and twenty is calculated by dividing 120 by 3, which equals 40. Therefore, the number that is one third of one hundred and twenty is 40.
One third of 120000 is 40000
One third times twenty seven can be calculated by multiplying 1/3 by 27. This can be simplified by multiplying the numerators (1 x 27) and the denominators (3 x 1) separately, resulting in 27/3. This fraction simplifies to 9, so one third times twenty seven equals 9.
Well, firstly, the LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of 3 and 7 is 21. Try to convert those fractions into fractions with denominators of 21. Multiply 3x7 in one thirds and 1x7, which changes one third to seven twenty-oneths. Multiply 7x3 in two sevenths and 2x3, which changes two sevenths to six twenty-oneths. Therefore, one third (seven twenty-oneths) is greater than two sevenths (six twenty-oneths).
Estimated: 7.3 + 23.8 = 31.1
If you have twenty-seven things lined up in a row, then the last one is the twenty-seventh one.
One third of one hundred and twenty is calculated by dividing 120 by 3, which equals 40. Therefore, the number that is one third of one hundred and twenty is 40.
Twenty five minus one third is 24 and 2/3. You may have also meant twenty five minus one third of twenty five. That would be 16 and 2/3.
The ordinal number is twenty-third.(The fractional value 1/23 is one twenty-third.)
7.21 = seven and twenty-one hundredths or seven dollars and twenty-one cents.
One third of twenty thousand dollars is $6666.67 One third of twenty dollars is $6.67