To add fractions with different denominators, you first need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 3, 4, and 6 is 12. So, you need to convert each fraction to have a denominator of 12. One third is equivalent to 4 twelfths, one fourth is equivalent to 3 twelfths, and one sixth is equivalent to 2 twelfths. Adding them together, you get 4/12 + 3/12 + 2/12 = 9/12, which simplifies to 3/4.
one third
seventeen and seven over twelve
one sixteenth
17/12 Is the answer.
1/6 plus 1/5 plus 1/4 plus 1/3 plus 1/2 = 1 9/20 or 1.45
The sum is 1 5/12
1/4 plus 1/4 plus 1/3 is = 0.833333
11 over 18