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that would be a billionth of a second because 1000 times 1,000,000 is one billion. AKA a nanosecond

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ivor thomas

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a nanosecond

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Q: What is one thousand millionth of a second?
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What is a million millionth of a second called?

A second! 1 = Ten tenths = Hundred hundredths = Thousand thousandths etc. A millionth of a millionth of a second, or 1/(1million x 1 million) seconds, is called a picosecond. 1/(1 million) seconds, or one millionth of a second, is called a microsecond. 1/(1000 x 1million) seconds, or one thousandth of a microsecond, is called a nanosecond.

One thousand-millionth of a meter?


What is a Millionth of a Second?

A millionth of a second is one microsecond. It is the length of time a beam of light, traveling about 3 x 108 meters per second, will take to go about 300 meters.

What is less than milliseconds?

it is Millisecond(One thousandth of a second) Microsecond(One millionth of a second) Nanosecond(One billionth of a second) Picosecond(One trillionth of a second)

How do you write one millionth of a second?

How you write a millionth as a decimal is always the same, regardless of what unit of measurement it's in. The "1" is six places after the decimal point when writing out one millionth. This is easy to remember because one million in numbers is followed by six zeros. You can also count it out if it helps. The first place is the tens place, then hundredths, then thousandths and it goes up by a factor of ten each time. Ten, hundred, thousand, ten-thousand, hundred-thousand, million! Six places!.000001 secondsHowever, once the issue of units has been brought up it's usually possible to find a shorter way to write it using a smaller (or larger, in other cases) unit of measurement.1 second = 1,000,000 microsecondsSo a millionth of a second is a single microsecond. There are plenty of ways to write a millionth of a second, depending on which unit of measurement you want to use. All of the following are equally correct (though not equally practical), you can pick whichever you'd like.1.6667x10-8 minutes.000001 seconds1 microsecond100 nanoseconds

Related questions

How do you write two thousand and one millionth or ten thousand and one hundredths in decimal form?

Two thousand and one millionth = 2,000.000001 Ten thousand and one hundredth = 10,000.01

What are hundreds of a second?

1 centisecond (one-hundredth of a second)and for your delectation:-deci - one tenth 1/10centi - one hundredth 1/100milli - one thousandth 1/1,000micro - one millionth 1/1,000,000nano - one thousand millionth 1/1,000,000,000Pico - one million, millionth 1/1,000,000,000,000

Is a nanosecond one millionth of a second?

No, a nanosecond is one billionth of a second, not one millionth.

What is a million millionth of a second called?

A second! 1 = Ten tenths = Hundred hundredths = Thousand thousandths etc. A millionth of a millionth of a second, or 1/(1million x 1 million) seconds, is called a picosecond. 1/(1 million) seconds, or one millionth of a second, is called a microsecond. 1/(1000 x 1million) seconds, or one thousandth of a microsecond, is called a nanosecond.

One thousand-millionth of a meter?


What is greater two thousand and one millionth or ten thousand and one hundredth?

two thousand and one million

How fast is a micro second?

U.S. usage in which a billion is a thousand million and a trillion is a 1 followed by 12 zeros is one millionth (10 -6 ) of a second.

How do you write two thousand one millionth?


What has a diameter of about one ten-thousand-millionth of a meter?


How do you write two thousand and one millionth in standard form?


What is a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second notated in numbers?

A millionth is 10-6 or 0.000001; so 4 millionths multiplied together is 10-24 seconds or 0.000000000000000000000001 seconds. (10-6)4 = 10-24 second = 0.000000000000000000000001 second (The 4 millionths are not "multiplied together". One millionth is raised to the fourth power.)

How long is a femtosecond?

A femtosecond is one billionth of one millionth of a second.