The pie plate with the 5-inch diameter is greater.
Well, darling, pie times 8 squared is just 64π. Simple math, nothing to lose sleep over. Hope that satisfies your curiosity, sugar.
Well, first of all, it's not pie, it's Pi. Pi times 10 equals 31.4159265897932384626433832795. You just slide the decimal point one digit to the right.
take pie times pie and times the diameter
pie times 3 = Gavin Preller rocks
a super pie
no it is equal to 5 million pounds of milk divided by 5 cows times the number of heads then divided by the number of cows times pie divided by quarts
circumference = diamiter times pie 3.14 times 10 move the decimal over once its 31.4
17 seconds to the power of 5, divided by pie and times by 16 = fastest metabolism
You have quite an imagination.
for the surface area:4 times pie times radius squared for volume:4/3 times pie times radius cubed
Cherry Pie costs 10 cents in the Colonial Times.
A fifth of a pie or a slice of a pie that is one fifth of the whole.
£500,000 but some times it buy one get one free :/
1 you go to the elite four and beat them 5 times and then i forgot and then you got it i like pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!