It is left over waste from your body. It could green, brown and even have chunks of stuff like corn. Do not eat the poo because it's bad for you. <('_')>
In Athens in Greece
poooooo idiotofvkfopd[ebfgngh mhtyjthgnbn nhntg
you are poooooo!!
Poop is an English word. It is said as Tatti in Punjabi. It is also called as Potty.
so basically guys gru my dude pulled up one day and said "hey i need some minions" so he went to evil con and did a big poooooo
15 AND 28
Start where the action starts - with a war story, that could be any of several things:The moment the war startsThe moment a soldier leaves homeThe moment a battle startsThe moment a soldier kills his or her first enemyAnything you want!
The grew corn, fished, hunted, and collected nature goods.
Pepsin) whereas other enzymes are composed of both protein part and non-protein part. The complete enzyme molecule (with both protein part and non-protein part) is known as holo-enzyme. The protein part is known as Apo-enzyme Non- protein part may be co-factor or co-enzyme
You can check the heart rate of someone by finding any vein, pressing your fingers against it and counting the number of pulses in a minute. Or you can feel a persons heart or listen to it. The easiest places to check the pulse are in the jugular vein in the neck or on the wrist.