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The terms for fractions are common, improper and mixed numeral.
Common fractions have a numerator that is smaller than the denominator.
Improper fractions have a greater numerator than denominator.
Mixed numeral has a whole number next to a common fraction.

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āˆ™ 15y ago
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āˆ™ 12y ago

the regular fraction is fraction number this is solve in mixed fraction.tere is all kinds of fraction this is IMPROPER,,,PROPER,,,MIXED,,,REGULAR,,,FRACTION...

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Related questions

What are regular fractions?

Regular fractions are the fractions with a numerator that is less than the denominator and irregular fractions are fractions with a denominator less than the numerator.

What is the difference between a complex fraction and a regular fraction?

"Regular" fractions have integers for the numerator and denominator. Complex fractions have fractions at one or both of those spots.

Are fractions with whole numbers larger than a regular fraction?

Mixed numbers are larger than proper fractions.

What are all fractions out of?

If it's a whole number, then it will be out of one. Ex: 14= 14/1 . Otherwise, for regular fractions, it depends

What is the answer called when you add two fractions?

The sum, just like regular adding.

What is 3 over 4 plus 1 over 6?

Depends... Are you talking about regular addition or fractions?

What are 2 regular fractions that equal 2 or 5 when added together?

3/2 + 1/2

How do you find an area with fractions?

multiply the numerators and hte denominators like u would w/regular numbers

What are the different kinds of fractions?

1. Proper Fraction: 5/6 - the numerator is less than the denominator 2. Improper Fraction: 6/5 - the numerator is greater than the denominator 3. Mixed Fraction: 2 (1/3) Source: Bforball Mixed numbers, regular fractions which are part of a whole,and improper fractions which are fractions that have a numerator greater than its denominator.

What are the six kinds of fractions?

Well there are different kinds of fractions their are mixed numbers, regular fractions and improper fractionsThere are 5 kinds of fraction. Proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, unit fraction, and equivalent fractions. An example of a proper fraction is 3/4. An example of an improper fractions is 13/12. An example of a mixed number is 1 1/4. An example of a unit fraction is 1/3. An example of equivalent fractions is 4/8=1/2.I hope you like my answer... :)

How do you do a magic square of fractions?

A simple way is to use a regular magic square and then divide each value by the same number. Dividing by a common multiple of all the number will give a magic square of fractions with all 1's as numerators

What doas irreguler mean?

It means not regular or in fractions it means a bigger fraction than a whole (like this 13/10) :D :D