round it up. if you want to round anything 4 to 1 to the nearest 10, it goes down, anything 5 to 9 goes up. so if you wanted to do say 494 to the nearest 10, it would be 490. if you wanted to do 496 to nearest 10 it would be 500
When needing to round, always look to the number exactly to the right of the place value you wish to round. In our case we have ones, tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. One is the whole number in our problem and the number we're going to be rounding to. So we need to look at the place value to the right which is our tenths. The rules of rounding are pretty straightforward. If the place value to the right of the number you want to round to is 5 or more you round up. (1.5 goes to 2. 2.8 goes to 3.0) If the place value is 4 or less you round down. (1.4 goes to 1, 2.3 goes to 2.0). 1.8 since the 8, which is the place value to the right of the number we want to round, is greater than 5 we round up. 1.8 becomes 2.0. So 1.875 rounded to the nearest whole number is 2.0. (We removed the insignificant digits.)
what is the thing viking people put round there neck
Blue comes after green in the rainbow. Then, goes indigo.
merry go round ferris wheel earth wheel washer/dryer spinning top clock hands
ITS A BALL, RIGHT!?! NO a sprout in a lift
a ball of cause
it goes up
22k, 22500 or more would round up/less goes down.
ye, year round. he always goes as a girl
your age
your age
Speeds up, slows down or goes round corners.
your age
it is a thing that goes round it is a thing that goes round
Your hand...
She has 4 albums. Kiss and Tell, A year without rain, When the sun goes down, and round and round