One way to write 312 is by spelling it: Three hundred and twelveAnother way would be to write it in roman numerals: CCCXII
Three hundred fifty-six thousand, one hundred seven
seven and eight hundred ninety-three ten thousandths
Three hundred sixty-seven million, three hundred fifty-three thousand, two hundred thirty-three.
To write three million in Roman numerals, you would use the numeral "M" for a thousand, repeated three times to represent three thousand. Then, you would add the Roman numeral for a million, which is a bar over the numeral "M" (written as "M̅"). Therefore, three million in Roman numerals is written as MMMM̅.
One hundred and three in roman numerals is: CIII
300 = CCC
3,854 Three thousand, eight hundred and fifty four.
one hundred twenty three (123).
1311 is already in numerals but if you mean as in Roman numerals then they are MCCCXI
243 = CCXLIII two hundred and forty three
In today's terms 2,359,245 = (MMCCCLIX)CCXLV But during the Roman era it would have probably been written out differently in the way that we write out Roman numerals today.
If you mean what is 123,456,789 in Roman numerals then it probably works out as follows:- (CXXIII)M(CCCCLVI)DCCLXXXVIIII Numerals in brackets indicate multiplication by a thousand and superscript numerals indicate multiplication by the value of that particular numeral. Hence:- (CXXIII)M = 1,000*1,000*123 = 123,000,000 (CCCCLVI) = 1,000*456 = 456,000 DCCLXXXVIIII = 789
You must be from Oklahoma and searching for the answer to a clue.
If you mean 33,500 then as a Roman numeral it is (XXXIII)D meaning 1,000*33 plus 500 = 33,500
Divide it into sections of three digits. Farthermost three hundred and sixty should appear as 360. The thousandth section appears as 705. There are no millions mentioned, hence 000. And at last the billions section is (0)24. Arranging them all in their positions, the number is 24,000,705,360.