One quarter is 1/4
Any fraction which has 1 on top (the numerator) and a number greater than 4 on the bottom (the denominator), so 1/5, 1/6. 1/7 etc are all smaller than one quarter.
If the numerator is not 1, then if the denominator is more than 4 times the numerator, then the fraction is less than a quarter.
One quarter 1/4 is smaller than one half 1/2
It's definitely greater. A Quart is one quarter of a Gallon.
one quarter
It is the value, in the distribution of a variable, such that 25% (or a quarter) of the observations are smaller than it.
One quarter equals two eighths. That is why it is smaller.
One quarter 1/4 is smaller than one half 1/2
A quarter got its name because it's worth one quarter, or one fourth, of a dollar. That is, a dollar is worth as much as four quarters. Being that the quarter is worth less, it's smaller.
A quarter size is smaller than a half. Also, the bow will be smaller on the quarter. Line the two violins back to back and see which one is longer. The longer one is the half.
One quarter inch is slightly smaller than 3 mm. One inch is equivalent to 25.4 mm, so one quarter inch is 6.35 mm.
a third
Three quarters is one quarter less than "1" AND three quarters adds up to 75 cents which is 25 cents less than one dollar. So three quarters is both smaller than "1" and smaller than a dollar!
its smaller than a 1 and bigger than a two quarter
A quarter is four parts of a whole, while a third is three parts of a whole. Therefore, a quarter is smaller than a third.