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A monomial, you mean? If you meant so, here's Wikipedia's definition:

"In mathematics, in the context of polynomials, the word monomial means one of two different things:

  • The first meaning is a product of powers of variables, or formally any value obtained by finitely many multiplications of a variable. If only a single variable x is considered, this means that any monomial is either 1 or a power xn of x, with n a positive integer. If several variables are considered, say, x, y, z, then each can be given an exponent, so that any monomial is of the form xaybzc with a,b,c non-negative integers (taking note that any exponent 0 makes the corresponding factor equal to 1).
  • The second meaning of monomial includes monomials in the first sense, but also allows multiplication by any constant, so that − 7x5 and (3 − 4i)x4yz13 are also considered to be monomials (the second example assuming polynomials in x, y, z over the complex numbers are considered). "

Samples of def. 1: x2y5z3, xy12z

Samples of def. 2: -5a3, (4x-7)m5n3

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