axis banks words position is 89
nat- 89, Int-7568
Look at the digit in the ones position. That is the 9. A 9 will round the number up, so 89 will round up to 90.
Move the heat control lever to the off position.
Cylinder is bad need toreplace
erm... there are more than one, or are you speeking of the position?
Crankshaft position sensor on the transmission bell housing. usually the problem
89 in sot-89 = 0
20% off of $89 = 71.2= 20% discount applied to $89= $89 - (20% * $89)= $89 - (0.20 * $89)= $89 - 17.8= 71.2
89-0 = 89
(89)56 +89 = 5073
89 89 89 --- 240 27 ----- 267