The GCF is 9.
The GCF of 9 and 15 is 3. The LCM is 45.
It's either GCF (Greatest Common Factor) or LCM (Least Common Multiple).GCF of 3 and 9 is 3, but seven only has 1 as a common factor with the other two, so GCF is 1.LCM of 3 & 9 is 9, and LCM of 9 and 7 is 7 x 9, so LCM is 63.
The pair of numbers whose GCF is 1 and LCM is 36 is 9 and 4. The numbers should be greater than their GCF and less than their LCM.
The LCM is 36.
9 and 6 have an LCM of 18 and a GCF of 3.
GCF stands for Greatest Common Factor, which is the number two or more numbers share as a factor (the largest one). LCM stands for Least Common Multiple, which is the number that two or more numbers multiply to (the smallest one). An example of GCF: 6 and 9, what is the GCF? 3 An example of LCM: 6 and 9, what is the LCM? 18
The LCM is their product. The GCF of 4 and 9 is 1. The LCM of 4 and 9 is 36.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 6 9 is 18.
3 and 18 respectively.
Gcf=3, lcm=9
The LCM of 6, 9 and 18 is 18. The GCF of 6, 9 and 18 is 3.
4 & 9
The other number is 5.
The other number is 5.
The other number is 5.