pi is the ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter. The Greek letter, pi, is the first letter of the word perimetros (Greek for perimeter).
The ancient Greeks, the word derives from a Greek word meaning 'diagonal of a circle'
Hexa is a prefix derived from the Greek word for 6.
The Greek letter chi (lower case): χ which is very similar to X except the forward stroke is curved at each end. It is part of unicode, found in Microsoft word and other programs, symbol number 03C7.
A gross is a word used for 144 of anything. 144 is the square of 12. The square of a gross would be 144 x 144 = 20,736
Square - from the greek word of "squa" it MeanS 4
square as the 2 dimensional object is τετραγωνο (tetragono) tetra: four , gono:sides square as the place downtown with the clock, its πλατεία (platia)
sympathy (from Greek συμπάθεια < συν- +πάθος = co- +passion)In modern Greek is συμπόνια [simponia].Συμπάθεια (sympathy-a) in modern Greek has the meaning of "to like someone".
the greek word for egg is: avgo
The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).
The Greek word for 'science' is "επιστήμη" (epistímē).
The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.
There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''Γκόλφ''.
There is no word for jeans in Greek. We use the word ''jeans'' or in Greek letters τζίνς.
The Greek word for "prosperity" is ευημερία (evimería).
In Greek, the word "collo" does not have a specific meaning. It is not a Greek word.