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square = τετράγωνο

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Q: What is the Greek word for square?
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What is word for square?

Square - from the greek word of "squa" it MeanS 4

What is word for Greek square?

square as the 2 dimensional object is τετραγωνο (tetragono) tetra: four , gono:sides square as the place downtown with the clock, its πλατεία (platia)

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Greek word for compassion?

sympathy (from Greek &sigma;&upsilon;&mu;&pi;&#940;&theta;&epsilon;&iota;&alpha; < &sigma;&upsilon;&nu;- +&pi;&#940;&theta;&omicron;&sigmaf; = co- +passion)In modern Greek is &sigma;&upsilon;&mu;&pi;&#972;&nu;&iota;&alpha; [simponia].&Sigma;&upsilon;&mu;&pi;&#940;&theta;&epsilon;&iota;&alpha; (sympathy-a) in modern Greek has the meaning of "to like someone".

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the greek word for egg is: avgo

What is the Greek word for experience?

The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).

What is the Greek word for 'science'?

The Greek word for 'science' is &quot;επιστήμη&quot; (epistímē).

What is the Greek word for turtle?

The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.

What is the Greek word for golf?

There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''&Gamma;&kappa;&#972;&lambda;&phi;''.

What is the word for jeans in Greek?

There is no word for jeans in Greek. We use the word ''jeans'' or in Greek letters &tau;&zeta;&#943;&nu;&sigmaf;.

Greek word for prosperity?

The Greek word for &quot;prosperity&quot; is ευημερία (evimería).

What does the word collo mean in Greek?

In Greek, the word &quot;collo&quot; does not have a specific meaning. It is not a Greek word.