The GCF is 180.
Steps to find out LCM of two numbers(a & b):1- Find HCF of a & b.2- Multiply a and b.3- Divide the result of step 2 by HCF. The result is LCM.1- In order to find out HCF of 540 and 315 we shall use the method of prime factorization.Prime factorization of 540 = 2x2x3x3x3x5Prime factorization of 315 = 3x3x5x7HCF(540, 315) = 3x3x5 = 45.2- Product of 540 and 315.540 x 315 = 170100.3- LCM(540, 315) = 170100/45 = 3780.
3780 multiplied by any integer, like 3780, 7560, 11340 and so on.
20*-9 = -180 -180*21 = -3780 -3780*-1 = 3780.
Yes because 3780/9 = 420
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 3780 millimetres is equal to 3780/10 = 378 centimetres.
The LCM is 3780.
The list is pretty long. 2 * 10 * 189 = 3780 or 2 * 15 * 126 = 3780 etc