The prime factors of these numbers are:- 57 = 3 x 19 93 = 3 x 31 The only common factor and therefore the HCF is 3.
The HCF of 40 & 12 is... 4
The HCF of 4 and 5 is 1.
The HCF of 4 and 90 is 2.
HCF = 5LCM = 440
No. The hcf of 51 and 64 is 1.
The GCF/HCF of 17 and 51 is 17.
3 is the hcf
93-42= 51
The HCF is one
The common factors of 33 and 93 are: 1 and 3The HCF is 3
It is 1 but the HCF is 3
It is 1 but the HCF is 3
The common factors are: 1, 3, 17, 51
To find this you first have to identify the prime factors of each number. In this case they are: 15 = 3x5 51 = 3x17 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case both numbers have a 3 as a prime factor. Therefore the HCF of 15 and 51 is 3.