The LCD of 12 and 16 is 48. The LCD of 1/2 and 1/6 is 6.
There is none because the Least Common Denominator (or LCD) is the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators of a pair of fractions.
In adding dissimilar fractions first you have to find the LCD! -> LCD means Least Common Denominator. *For example 2/3 3 6 9 12 + 3/4 4 8 12 the LCD is 12 put 12 under the - divide 12 to denominator and write the answer in left of given question
The LCD of 7/10 and 18/25 is 50.
K/3 + k/4 = 1 LCD=12 *divide lcd by denominator* K(4) + K(3) = 12(1) 4k + 3k = 12 7k = 12 k=12/7
LCD(6, 14) = 42
LCD(25, 20, 4) = 100.
lcd(2, 6, 12) = 12.
LCD(12, 20) = 60
LCD(12, 8) = 24.
LCD(5, 7, 25) = 175
LCD of 23 and 12 is 276.
LCD of 25 and 150 is 5 ( 5 x 5 = 25 and 5 x 30 = 150)
LCD(12, 9) = 36
Fractions do not use decimals for the denominators. The LCD of 4, 3, and 2 (1/4, 1/3, 1/2) is 12. The LCD of 25, 33, and 50 is 1650 (2 x 3 x 25 x 11).
The LCD refers to integers. The LCD of 12 and 34 is 204
It is 12