The LCM is 234.
The LCM of 91 and 26 is 182.182
The LCM is: 2,574
The LCM is: 117
To find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 52, 78, 91, and 117, we first need to find the prime factorization of each number. The prime factorization of 52 is 2^2 * 13, 78 is 2 * 3 * 13, 91 is 7 * 13, and 117 is 3^2 * 13. The common prime factors among these numbers are 13. Therefore, the GCF of 52, 78, 91, and 117 is 13.
The LCM is: 1,638
For 117, 91, 65, 21 the LCM is: 4,095
The LCM is 234.
The LCM of 91 and 26 is 182.182
26 + 91 = 117
The LCM is: 2,574
The LCM is: 819
It is 182
2x7x13x9 = 1638
It is 2184