For 225, 135, 105 the LCM is: 4,725
The GCF is 45.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 15 75 45 is 225.
The LCM is: 2,025
The GCF is 5. The LCM is 225. The GCM is infinite.
For 225, 135, 105 the LCM is: 4,725
The lowest common multiple of these 3 numbers (besides from 1) is 5.
The GCF is 45.
The LCM is 225.
The LCM is: 675
The LCM is: 675
The LCM of 135 and 225 is 675.
The LCM is 225.
The LCM of 45 and 75 is 225. (32 * 52)
The greatest common factor of 135 , 225 , 45 = 45
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 15 75 45 is 225.