2025 = 34 x 52
The prime factorization of 52 is: 2 X 2 X 13
Prime factorization of 175 in exponential form = 52 x 7
200 = 23 x 52.
3 x 52
2 x 17 = 34 2 x 2 x 13 = 52 2 x 2 x 13 x 17 = 884, the LCM
It is in exponents: 22*34*52*7 = 56,700
2025 = 34 x 52
It is: 22*32*52 = 900
Prime factors of 50 are 2 and 52 in exponents Prime factors of 98 are 2 and 72 in exponents So it follows LCM is 2*52*72 = 2450
22 x 34 x 52 =8100
Prime factors in exponent whenever applicable:- 45 = 32*5 75 = 3*52 155 = 5*31 LCM = 32*52*31 = 6975
What is the prime factorization of 105
The prime factorization of 52 is: 2 x 2 x 13
The LCM is 884.
Prime factorization of 1975 = 52 x 79
The prime factorization of 52 is 22 * 13.