The LCM is 336.
The LCM is: 336
Whenever one number is a multiple of the other, the LCM is the larger number and the GCF is the smaller number. The difference is 42.
The LCM of 16 and 42 is 336.AYE! bro ima bhadd yellobone 2 !thnx 4 da answer yello!
LCM(16, 42, 51) = 5712.
The LCM of 6 and 42 is 42. Since 42 is a multiple of 6, it is automatically the LCM.You can also find the prime factors of each number to get the LCM. Use each factor the most it was used in either number. Multiply the factors.6=2x342=2x3x72x3x7=42 is the LCMIt is 42 because 6*7 = 42 and 1*42 = 42
The LCM is 42.
The LCM is 42.