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In math, it is called the origin

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Q: What is the Point called whose coordinates are all zero?
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What is the x coordinate or y coordinate of a point is 0?

If you mean at the Origin (where both X and Y cross), then the coordinates would be (0,0)================================-- If the 'x' coordinate is zero, then the point is on t he y-axis.-- If the 'y' coordinate is zero, then the point is on the x-axis.-- If both coordinates are zero, then the point must be the onethat's on both axes ... the 'origin'.

What is the y-coordinates of a point where a graph crosses the y-axis?

The y-coordinate of every point on the x-axis is zero.

How can you tell whether a point is on the y-axis?

look at its coordinates and if x is zero then it's on the y-axis

What is the latitude and longittude where the prime meridian crosses at the equator?

The Prime Meridian is defined as zero longitude, and the equator is defined as zero latitude. So the point where they cross has the coordinates: Zero, Zero. The point is in the sea, about 385 miles south of Accra, Ghana.

What type of number is to the right of zero on the x axis and above zero on the y axis?

Positive x- and y-coordinates of a point in the first quadrant.

What is the value of y and the point where a straight line crosses the x-axis?

The value of x is called the x-intercept. The value of y at this point is always zero, 0. The point has coordinates (a,0) where a represents the value where the line crosses the x-axis.

What is a zero vector?

A zero vector is a vector whose elements are all zero. It has no direction or magnitude, and does not change the position of any point it is added to. In mathematics, it is often denoted as 0.

What is zero degrees called?

Zero Degrees Fahrenheit is called nothing. Zero degrees Celsius is the freezing point for water and the melting point for ice, while Zero degrees Kelvin is called Absolute zero. It is the temperature of space. Now, if you mean when water hits the zero degree celcius mark, it's called the freezing point.

Where do the zero degree line of latitude and the zero degree line of longitude meet?

The zero degree line of latitude, known as the Equator, and the zero degree line of longitude, known as the Prime Meridian, intersect at a point in the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Africa. This intersection is located off the coast of Ghana, in the Gulf of Guinea.

What is the continent or ocean where the equator and the prime meridian cross what is the latitude and longitude of that point?

-- Gulf of Guinea, south of Accra, Ghana -- Since everywhere on the equator is zero latitude, and everywhere on the Prime Meridian is zero longitude, the point that is common to both had better have the coordinates zero/zero .

Is the equator a parallel or a maridian?

The equator is the parallel that consists of every point on Earth whose distances from the north and south poles are equal. In the system of geographic coordinates that we've invented to describe the location of points on Earth, the equator is defined as zero latitude.