SI means "International System [of Units]" (from the French abbreviation).
the si system of measurement is the standard set of units accepted throughout the world.
Standard units are used for measurmen as there is a system called the SI units and that is considered as the international system of units that is why we use standard units for measurment .
No, time is a fundamental unit in the SI system (and also the Imperial system) of units..
The meter in the SI, the foot in the Imperial system.
In engineering and science, a system of units called SI is used. The same units are used worldwide in most countries outside of the United States, except that in practice, some non-SI units are used as well (for example, hours and days instead seconds, and the degree Celsius instead of Kelvin).
International System of Units (SI)
The abbreviation for the International System of Units is SI.
- Si is the chemical symbol for silicon- SI is an abbreviation for International System of Units
An SI unit is a unit of measure from the International System of Units. SI is the abbreviation for the French Système international d'unités
The International System of Units is abbreviated SI from the French Le Système International d'Unités. It is the modern form of the international metric system. Scroll down to related links and look at "International System of Units - Wikipedia".
SI (French abbreviation for "International System") is, in English, the metric system. So the standard measure in SI is the meter.
It is called "SI" (for the French abbreviation of "International System"), and is a version of the metric system.
SI is an abbreviation of the French "le Système International d'unités"which when translated in to English means "The International System of Units".
The International system of units, From the French Systeme International d'Unites.
Because the system was developed by the French who chose to name it in their own language.
The official name of the modern metric system is the International System of Units (SI). It is used as the standard system of measurement in most countries around the world.
The metric system, also known as the SI system of units, is the system most typically used in the science community.