The wrong number in this sequence is 20. The pattern in the sequence is doubling each number, so it should go 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. However, 20 breaks this pattern by not being double the previous number.
3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.
Any one of them could be wrong. Short of reading the mind of the person who posed the question, there is no way of determining which of the infinitely many solutions is the "correct" one.For example,2 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is:t(n) = (-23*n^6 + 636*n^5 - 7010*n^4 + 39330*n^3 - 118247*n^2 + 181434*n - 110520)/180 and the correct value is 80; or4 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 15.71; or8 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 4.1; or16 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 18.34; or20 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 17.63; or22 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 25.87; or44 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 32.14; or46 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 127.61.Take your pick! And these are only polynomial solutions.---A different approach:8 is the only number whose English name starts with a vowel - change it to 7 or 9.---Sequential approach:Replace 16 with 10 to follow the alternating sequence of addition then multiplication by 2.2+2=4 x2=8 +2=10 x2=20 +2=22 x2=44 +2=46This was the solution presented by the original asker circa 2005.
The 16th number of the Fibonacci sequence is 987.
There is only one number in the question and one number does not make a sequence.
No, it is a single number.
3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.
You cant solve the next term (next number) in this sequence. You need more terms, because this is either a "quadratic sequence", or a "linear and quadratic sequence", and you need more terms than this to solve a "linear and quadratic sequence" and for this particular "quadratic sequence" you would need more terms to solve nth term, which would solve what the next number is. If this is homework, check with your teacher if he wrote the wrong sum.
The number that occurs most in a number sequence.
I believe it would be eight, but I may be wrong. =) -kelsey.
There is the Morris number sequence and the Fibonacci number sequence. The Padovan sequence. The Juggler sequence. I just know the Fibonacci sequence: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377 Morris number sequence: 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211...
It is an irrational number; therefore the sequence is endless. The 'full number sequence' can never be known.
arithmetic sequence this is wrong
What is the the next number in the sequence 1,2,4,7,11,.....
A number sequence is an ordered set of numbers. There can be a rule such that the next number in the sequence can be determined by the values of some or all of the preceding terms in the sequence. However, the sequence for a random walk illustrates that such a rule is not necessary to define a sequence.
17298 is a single number, not a sequence - or squence even.17298 is a single number, not a sequence - or squence even.17298 is a single number, not a sequence - or squence even.17298 is a single number, not a sequence - or squence even.
There is no sequence for a single number.
Any one of them could be wrong. Short of reading the mind of the person who posed the question, there is no way of determining which of the infinitely many solutions is the "correct" one.For example,2 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is:t(n) = (-23*n^6 + 636*n^5 - 7010*n^4 + 39330*n^3 - 118247*n^2 + 181434*n - 110520)/180 and the correct value is 80; or4 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 15.71; or8 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 4.1; or16 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 18.34; or20 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 17.63; or22 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 25.87; or44 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 32.14; or46 is wrong. The rule for the sequence is different and the correct value is 127.61.Take your pick! And these are only polynomial solutions.---A different approach:8 is the only number whose English name starts with a vowel - change it to 7 or 9.---Sequential approach:Replace 16 with 10 to follow the alternating sequence of addition then multiplication by 2.2+2=4 x2=8 +2=10 x2=20 +2=22 x2=44 +2=46This was the solution presented by the original asker circa 2005.