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What is the scale vertical axis

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Q: What is the a vertical scale?
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Related questions

Where is the scale of a vertical bar graph written?

The scale of a vertical bar graph is written on the vertical axis.

What is the scale of a vertical bar graph written on?

The vertical axis!

How do you read the oscilloscope?

Time (horizontal scale) versus Amplitude (vertical scale).

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What is a vertical axis scale?

If you're talking about a graph then here's your answer... There are to axis's the x axis (horizontal) and the y axis (vertical). So your talking about the vertical scale so since a graph is shaped like an L the vertical part would contain the scale (numbers along the side) so that you can read a bar graph easier

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What is the interval on a vertical axis?

a scale with diffrent numbers

Is the X axis on the horizontal or vertical axis?

The x axis is the horizontal axis. The y axis is the vertical axis.

What kind of graph do you use for time?

Most graphs use two scales: a horizontal scale and a vertical scale. What is on the scales depends on what the graph is to be used for. For example: the vertical scale could show distance travelled, while the horizontal scale could show the time.

What are the three map scale types?

Linear, ratio, and vertical

Why is the vertical scale often made larger than the horizontal scale in profiles of Earth?

Vertical scale is often larger in profiles of Earth to emphasize and show variations in elevation more clearly. This allows for a more detailed representation of the topography and geological features of the Earth's surface. Additionally, the magnitude of vertical changes is typically greater than horizontal changes, especially in mountainous regions, making the vertical scale more relevant and easier to interpret.

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