1.08 million 1.08 x 10**6
There does not appear to be a universally accepted abbreviation for a million. Some may use "m" or "M" and others "mm" or "MM" (seems to be a financial based usage), whilst it is possible that mil. may also be used. My advice would be, in order to avoid confusion, unless you are certain that your audience will understand your abbreviation, it is best to use the full word.Of course, mathematically speaking, you could write 12 million as 1.2 * 107 (that is to write the number in standard form) if this is what you actually meant, but this isn't really that much of an abbreviation (9 keystrokes required [including spaces naturally] compared to 10).
12 trillion
ten million divided by 12
The abbreviation for million is mil.
The abbreviation used for million is MM. This abbreviation is frequently used within financial contexts. The word million itself is derived from early Italian.
MN is not an abbreviation for millions.
i million pounds
The abbreviation for 2,000,000 is "2M", where "M" represents "million".
1 million
Million, M
12 inches = 1 foot - abbreviation ft.
parts per million = ppm
MM is an abbreviation for million.
a mill