There is no abbreviation for denominmator stays the same. But if you make it up, D.S.T.S. or whatever you want it.
It stays the same. Only the numerators change.
You multiply the denominator by the whole number, then add the numerator of the original fraction to get the numerator of your new fraction. The denominator stays the same as the original. Then you simplify into lowest terms.
The fraction decreases. 1/3 is smaller than 1/2.
Like Fractions
Similiar fractions are fractions that have the same denominator.
The quotient of the numerator and denominator.
Not necessarily. .The denominator for 1/3 + 1/5 is 15.
You times the denominator to the whole number and then you add that to the numerator and the denominator stays the same.
It stays the same. Only the numerators change.
you subtract the numerator but the denominator stays the same.
You multiply the whole number with the denominator. Then you add that to the numerator. Then, that becomes the new numerator. The denominator stays the same.
6/11 + 3/11 = 9/11. When adding fractions, you must first make sure they have the same denominator (bottom number), then add the top numbers (numerators). The denominator stays the same. If they do not have the same denominator, you can cross multiply to get to a common denominator.
Change it into a mixed number: by dividing the denominator by the numerator and the whole number is your whole in your mixed number, the remainder (if there is a remainder) is your numerator and your denominator is your original denominator Hint: Denominator ALWAYS stays the same!! Example: 10 ___ 8 Divide them _1 r 2_ 8 l 10 The whole number (1) is your whole number in your mixed number 1 _2__ 8 <--------Denominator ALWAYS stays the same!!
add the top two, and the bottom stays the same... for example. 1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3
You multiply the denominator by the whole number, then add the numerator of the original fraction to get the numerator of your new fraction. The denominator stays the same as the original. Then you simplify into lowest terms.
you have to multiply the whole number times the denominator, and add that answer to the numerator. this number will be your new numerator and the denominator stays the same. 2 1/2 = 5/4
It becomes smaller; eventually becoming infinitesimally tiny.