It is the abscissa.
The abscissa and the ordinate.
Slope = change in ordinate/change in abscissa = (2 - 16)/(4 - -3) = -14/7 = -2
It is called the abscissa.
Domain is a set of all abscissa in a set of points WHILE Abscissa is the x-value or the counter part of ordinate
any number
The ordinate and abscissa are equal for every point on the line [ y = x ].
All of the infinitely many points whose ordinate is 2 less than its abscissa.
The fourth quadrant
Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid
Both the abscissa and the ordinate are different.
The abscissa is the independent variable (or input) to a function.
The abscissa is the X coordinate of a point, so a point on the Y axis has an abscissa of zero.
The first abscissa will decrease by the amount of leftward translation; the ordinate will not change.
abscissa = sqrt[1 - square of the ordinate]
up and down. the x goes left and right