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That depends upon the total of all the segments:

angle = 360o x 25 ÷ total_of_values_of_all_segments.

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Q: What is the angle measure for a section in a circle graph that represent 25?
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What is the angle measure for a section in a circle graph that represents 25 percent?

90 degrees.

How do we measure an angle?

A protractor can be used to measure an angle. An angle is basically part of a circle. A complete circle is 360 degrees. A right-angle is 90 degrees, half a circle is 180 degrees, and so on.

What to show 25 percent on a circle graph the section must measure what angle?

25% of 360 degrees is 90 degrees

If an angle is inscribed in a circle what is the measure of the angle?

6Improved Answer:-There are 360 degrees around a circle and any part of it is an arc.

If the arc on a particular circle has an arc length of 12 inches and the circumference of the circle is 48 inches what is the angle measure of the arc?

The angle measure is: 90.01 degrees

An angle whose vertex is at the center of a circle is a middle angle of that circle True or false?

False. There are infinitely many angles at the centre of the circle.

What would be the measure of the central angle that you would draw to represent 50 in a circle graph?

The answer will depend on 50 out of how many. If it is 50 out of some number N, then the central angle is 360*50/N degrees.

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What angle has 76 degrees?

An angle whose measure is 76/360 of a full circle.

What is an angle whose vertex is at the center of a circle?

A central angle.The section of the circle formed by that angle and the part of the circle (the part being the circumference) between the radii is called a sector.

How do you find the measure of an angle corresponding to the percent of a circle?
