To convert the division problem 75 divided by 2 into a mixed fraction, you first divide 75 by 2 to get 37 with a remainder of 1. This can be expressed as 37 1/2 in mixed fraction form. The whole number 37 represents the quotient of the division, while the fraction 1/2 represents the remainder divided by the divisor.
A mixed fraction is another way of writing fractions. Mixed fractions include a whole number and a fraction. For example, 2-1/2 is a mixed fraction. But it's equivalent value 5/2 is not a mixed fraction but an improper fraction.
-2(3)/(4)/(1)/(2)= Fraction form: -11/2 Mixed Fraction: -5 1/2 Decimal: -5.5
2 75/100 two and seventy five hundredths
A mixed fraction is another way of writing fractions. Mixed fractions include a whole number and a fraction. For example, 2-1/2 is a mixed fraction. But it's equivalent value 5/2 is not a mixed fraction but an improper fraction.
You turn the mixed number into an improper fraction(numinator is greater than the denominator). So 2 1/2 divided by 1/2 ---> 5/2 divided by 1/2 which is 1 1/4.
You never know.-- It could be another fraction . . . 2/5 divided by 7/10 = 4/7-- Or it could be a whole number . . . 16/23 divided by 2/23 = 8-- Or it could be a mixed number . . . 17/25 divided by 4/7 = 1.19-- About the only thing it can never be is zero.
.75 is the same as one fourth so its 2 and one fourth * * * * * .75 is three fourths! So the answer is 23/4
-2(3)/(4)/(1)/(2)= Fraction form: -11/2 Mixed Fraction: -5 1/2 Decimal: -5.5
2.75 as a mixed number is 2 75/100. In simplest form it is 2 3/4.
A mixed fraction for 8/3 is 2 and 2/3