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Q: What is the answer to rounding the number 555 to the nearest 10?
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How do you round 10π?

Depends on what you are rounding to. Rounding to the nearest whole number, it is 10. Rounding to the nearest tens, it is still 10. Rounding to the nearest hundred, it is zero.

What is 8.09 rounded to?

This depends what you are rounding to. If you are rounding to the nearest whole number it would be 8. If you are rounding to the nearest tens place it would be 10.

What numbers can be rounded off to 750?

750.4 if rounding to the nearest whole number. 754, if rounding to the nearest 10. 774, if rounding to the nearest 50. 874, if rounding to the nearest 250.

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This depends if you're rounding to the nearest tenth or the nearest whole number. If you're rounding to the nearest tenth, then it would be 10.2. If you're rounding to the nearest whole number, then it would be 10.

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Well it depends on how you are rounding... if you are rounding to the nearest tenth then it will be 10.1. To the nearest whole number, 10.

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That depends on what unit you are rounding up to. Are you rounding up to the nearest 10? The nearest 100? The nearest 1000000?

What is the biggest whole number that can be rounded to 45000?

When rounding to the nearest 10, it's 45,004 . When rounding to the nearest 100, it's 45,049 . When rounding to the nearest 1000, it's 45,499 . When rounding to the nearest 5000, it's 47,499 .

What is the least number that rounds to 23000?

The least number that rounds to 23,000 when rounding to the nearest THOUSAND would be 22,500. If rounding to the nearest hundred, the least number would be 22, 950. If rounding to the nearest 10, the least number would be 22,995.

How do you round 5.000?

That depends what you are rounding to:If you are rounding to the nearest ones or whole number, you are already there. 5 is the answer.If you are rounding to the nearest tens, the answer would be "10".

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The answer depends on the extent of rounding: to the nearest 10, the nearest 50, the nearest 100?

What is the greatest whole number that rounds to 900?

If you're rounding to the nearest 100, then 949 is. If you're rounding to the nearest 10, then 904 is.

What is 6.941 rounded?

This depends what you are rounding it to. If you are going to the nearest whole number it would be 7. If you are rounding it to the nearest tens it would be 10.