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If this is a central angle, the 72/360 x (2xpix4) = 5.024

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Q: What is the arc length of the subtending arc for an angle of 72 degrees on a circle of radius 4?
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An arc of a circle that is 6Cm in length intercepts a central angle of 1.5 radians find the number of Cm in the radius of the circle?

An arc of length 6cm subtending an angle at the centre of 1.5c is equivalent to the whole circle of length 2πr subtending 2π radians. Therefore, 6/1.5 = 2πr/2π = r : Then r = 4 cm. NOTE : A radian can be defined as the angle at the centre of a circle subtended by an arc equal in length to the radius. So an arc subtending an angle of 2 radians is twice the length of the radius. An arc subtending an angle of 1.5 radians is thus 11/2 times as long as the radius.

Equation for the diameter of a circle?

It depends on what other information you have: area, circumference, radius, length of arc subtending a known angle, measure of angle for a known arc length etc.

If An ARC measures 120 degrees what is the length of the radius of the circle?

The radius of a circle has no bearing on the angular measure of the arc: the radius can have any positive value.

What is the radius of a circle with a sector are of 662.89?

Not enough information is given to work out the radius of the circle as for instance what is the length of sector's arc in degrees

Given a circle with a radius of 6 what is the length of an arc measuring 60 degrees?

The length of an arc measuring 60 degrees given a circle with a radius of 6 is 2*pi, that is 6,2831 approximately.The perimeter of a circle is calculated with the formula:L = 2 * pi * rwhere L is the perimeter and r the radius of the circle. This is equivalent to calculating the length of an arc measuring 360 degrees. The length of any arc smaller than 360 is proportionally smaller. Given that 60 degrees is 1/6 of the total circle (360), the length of the arc will be 1/6 of the perimeter.2 * pi * 6L = --------------- = 2 * pi6

What is the relationship of the arc length radius and angle?

When the arc length is the same size as a circle's radius it is known as a radian and it measures just under 57.3 degrees

What is the length of the radius of the circle?

The radius of a circle is the length of the line from the center of the circle to any point on its edge.

How do you find the degrees sector of an circle?

It depends on what information you have: the radius and the area of the sector or the length of the arc.

If the diameter of a circle is 4 centimeters what is the length of the radius?

Length of a radius is always half the diameter of a circle. This means that the circle has a radius of 2cm.

What is the relationship between the length of the diameter of a circle and length of the radius of that circle?

The diameter of any circle is twice its radius

What is the length of a radius and the length of a diameter?

The length of a radius of a circle is half of the diameter of the same circle. So, diameter is always twice the radius.

How does the length of the diameter of a circle compare to the length of the radius of that circle?

diameter = 2 X radius