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60 cm2

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Q: What is the area of a right triangle with sides of 8cm 15cm 17cm?
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The hypotenuse of a right triangle has a length of 17cm The sum of the length of its perpendicular sides is 23cm What are the lengths of the perpendicular sides?


Is a 5cm by 12cm a right triangle?

If two sides of a triangle have lengths of 5cm and 12cm, then the third side can have any length that's more than 7cm and less than 17cm. If the third side is 13cm, then the triangle is a right triangle.

How do you find the length of the hypotenuse if the base is 15cm and the height is 8cm?

Use Pythagoras' Theorem : In a right angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Let H be the hypotenuse then :- H2 = 152 + 82 = 225 + 64 = 289 Then H = √289 = 17cm

What triangle has 10cm 17cm and 21 cm one of the angles measure 99 degrees?

If the sides are 10cm, 17cm and 21cm, the three angles are approx 28, 53 and 99 degrees. It is an obtuse angled triangle.

What is the area of a triangle with a height of 10Cm and a base of 8Cm and sides of 17Cm and 18C m?

The area is 40cm2

What is the area of a triangle with base 17cm and height 20cm?


A quadrilateral has a width of 17cm and a length 26cm a diognal is 31cm is the quadrilateral a rectangle?

If the quadrilateral is a rectangle, the diagonal forms the hypotenuse of a right triangle with either pair of adjacent sides. Such a right triangle follows the Pythagorean theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Calculation shows that the square root of the sum of the squares of the two sides is about 31.06449. Therefore, given the significant digits of the specified sides, the quadrilateral may be a rectangle, because the exact answer reduced to two significant digits is 31. If the sides were specified as 17.0000 and 26.0000, the figure would not be a strict rectangle, but would be very close to one.

How many kilometers are they in 17cm?

17cm is 0.00017km

What is greater 1m 17cm or 109cm?

1m 17cm > 109cm--1m 17cm = 117cm117cm > 109cm

Each of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle is 5 cm greater than the base. The perimeter is 46 Centimeters. What is the length of each side of the triangle?

a is one of the equal sides of the iscosceles triangle b is the base perimeter is a + a + b = 46cm a = b + 5cm subsitute a for b + 5cm in the perimeter equation b + 5cm + b + 5cm + b = 46cm This simplifies down to 3b + 10cm = 46cm subtract 10cm from both sides of the equation 3b + 10cm - 10cm = 46cm - 10cm 3b = 36cm Then divide each side of the equation by 3 3b ÷ 3 = 36cm ÷ 3 b = 12cm Subsitute b back into a = b +5cm a = 12cm + 5cm a = 17cm So you have 2 sided with the length of 17cm and the base with the length of 12cm

What is 1.35m add 17cm?

1.35m add 17cm = 18.35

What shape has a perimeter of 17cm?

Any shape you want. "Perimeter" is not some esoteric function, it is merely the total measurement of the sides of the figure.