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A regular quadrilateral. A plane shape with four sides which are equal in length and which meet at right angles.

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9y ago

A square is a quadrilateral which has:* Four congruent sides.

* All four angles at 90 degrees.

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Q: What is the attribute of a square?
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What is an attribute of a square that is not an attribute of a rectangle?

The diagonals of a square are perpendicular whereas the diagonals of a rectangle are not perpendicular.

What is an attribute of a square that is not an attribute of rectangle?

The diagonals of a square are perpendicular whereas the diagonals of a rectangle are not perpendicular.

What can you find in square numbers?

The attribute that they have one square root which belongs to the set of natural numbers.

What attribute must change to a square that will make it a rhombus that is not a square?

The angles must change to be something other than 90o

How can you disable a particular part in the source code of CSS?

Put /* block comments */ around it, for example: style { attribute: value; attribute: value; attribute: value; } style { /* attribute: value; */ attribute: value; attribute: value; } or style { /* attribute: value; attribute: value; */ attribute: value; } or /* style { attribute: value; attribute: value; attribute: value; } */ And while this won't validate, attribute renaming uses a lot less typing (and I use it myself): style { xattribute: value; attribute: value; attribute: value; }

What are the square Bakugan called?

the square trap bakugan is zoack and has 1 attribute symbol and like all traps,can only be played after the gate card is opened and must be the same attribute as your regular bakugan. Example-aquos zoack changes your aquos bakugan to haos. Actauly Zoack is not the only square trap and you can get him in Darkus,Pyrus,Haos,Subterra,Aquos and Ventus so you can get him in all types so you are wrong anyway what does a pyrus Coin Scorpian change your attribute to?

What is complex attribute in dbms?

Complex Attribute: A complex attribute is an attribute that is both composite and multivalued.

Is strong an attribute?

Strength is an attribute.

What are the tpes of Bakugan?

there is ventus the wind attribute it is green, subterra earth attribute it is brown, pyrus fire attribute it is red, aquos water attribute it is blue, haos the light attribute it is white, and darkus the darkness attribute it is black.

What is Tagalog of attribute?

The Tagalog translation of "attribute" is "katangian."

What is derived attribute?

Attribute whose value may be calculated (derived) from other Attribute

What is the difference between derived attribute and normal attribute?

A normal attribute is an attribute present in a schema and which has to be entered while entering a tuple.A derived Attribute is one which can be inferred(derived) from another normal attribute and it need not be a part of a schema.For e.g.-> In a schema, Date-of-Birth is a normal attribute.While Age is a derived attribute which can be derived from the Date-of-Birth