Here are three ways: 123+45-67+8+9=100 12+3-4+5+67+8+9=100 123-45-67+89=100 Hope this helps.
The average of the five numbers is 65 + 64 + 81 + 74 + 67 = 351/5 = 70.2.
The car's average speed is 56 miles per hour.
This was a bit of a pain but here it is: 123-45-67+89=100
67 + 123 = 190
56 plus 67 equals 123. This addition can be solved by adding the ones column (6 + 7 = 13) and carrying over the tens place value to get the final result. In mathematical terms, this is expressed as 56 + 67 = 123.
there are 123 electrons and 67 nucleus
An IQ of 100 is average, 123 is very good, well above average.
Add the result to the number you were subtracting; if this equals the original number then the subtraction is likely to be correct. example: if you calculated 123 - 56 and get the result 67, check by working out 67 + 56 and see if you get 123.
Here are three ways: 123+45-67+8+9=100 12+3-4+5+67+8+9=100 123-45-67+89=100 Hope this helps.