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0.66... recurring miles per minute.

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Q: What is the average speed 10 miles in 15 min?
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I walked a distance of 2km in 10 min what is my average speed in km min?

When you walk a distance of 2 km in 10 minutes your average speed is 0.2 km per minute.

How many miles per hour to run a ten minute mile?

One mile per ten minutes is six miles per hour (average speed). ============= Solution Method: ----------------- There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. We often say there are 60 minutes per hour. We express this relationship mathematically as: 60 min/hr To convert miles/min to miles/hr, do the following: 1 mile/10 min * 60 min/1 hr = 60 / 10 = 6 miles/hr (average speed) * Note: minutes cancel in the numerator & denominator).

What is the speed of a car if the time is 10 minutes and the distance is 5 miles?

5 mi /(10 min/60 min/hr) = 30MPH.

What is the average speed you are going if you go 2 miles in 5 minutes and the next 2 miles in 10 minutes?

If you go 2 miles in 5 mins and then 2 miles in 10 mins, you have gone 2 + 2 = 4 miles in 5 + 10 = 15 mins 60 min = 1 hours → 15 min = 15/60 hr = 1/4 hr speed = distance ÷ time → speed = 4 miles ÷ 1/4 hr = 4 × 4/1 mph = 16 mph.

What is your average speed if you run 2 miles in 12 minutes?

Your average speed is 10 miles per hour.

If someone runs 10 miles in 90 minutes what is their average speed?

If someone runs 10 miles in 90 minutes their average speed is 6.67 mph

What is the average speed when divided by 2 hours and 10 minutes into 720 miles?

The average speed is 332.31 miles per hour.

An airplane travels 80 km in 10 minutes and then flies 100km in 20 minutes the average speed of the plane is?

An airplane travels 80 km in 10 minutes and then flies 100km in 20 minutes the average speed of the plane is? 80 km in 10 minutes = 8 km/min 100km in 20 minutes = 5 km/min Average speed = total distance traveled ÷ total time Average speed = 180 km ÷ 30 min = 6 km/minute Notice the average speed is closer to 5 km/min, because the plane spends twice as much time traveling at the slower speed.

A science teacher drove 10 miles to school in 20 minutes He drove the 10 miles home in 30 min His average velocity was ms?

He drove 20 miles in 50 min. so average was 20 x 60/50 = 24 mph

What is your average speed if you run 2 miles in 10 minutes?

Your avarage speed would be 12 miles an hour.

How long that is take to drive 250 miles?

At 60 MPH average, about 4 hr 10 min.

How long does it take to drive 310 miles?

At 60 MPH average, about 5 hr 10 min.