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The height is irrelevant to the area of the base, which is (8 inches)(3.5 inches) or 28 square inches.

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Q: What is the base area of a box with the height of 13 in length 8 in and width 3.5 in?
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You really can't solve it with the length. you need the height. Normally to get the area of a triangle, multiply the base X height, and divide by 2. However, you are using the terms length and width. When you say length and width, if you really mean base and height, then use the method given above.

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The volume of a prism is width x length x height The base area is width x length. Therefore, if you know the volume and height, you can easily work out the base area. You just have have to take the volume and divide it by the height, making sure to adjust the units from cubed to squared.

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57 meters. To find area you multiply base times height, or width times length in this case.

How do you find height using length and width?

There is no sure way to find the height of a rectangular prism with just the length and width. You need some other defined variable like the area. The height can range from 1 to infinity and never affect the base, length, and width.

Is base times height equal length?

Base times height tims width equal to length