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Q: What is the base of a triangle if the area is 32cm2?
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The volume of a box is 96 cubic centimetres the area of the base of the box is 32 square centimetres how do you work out the height of the box?

96cm3/ 32cm2 = 3cm

How do you get the base of a triangle when you have the height and area?

Area of a triangle = base * height / 2 Therefore the base = Area * 2 / height

What is the area of a triangle with base 2cm and 5cm?

Area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height

What is the formula for area of a base and area of a triangle?

A base is normally a line and therefore has no area; the area of a triangle is half of base x altitude.

Formua for area of a triangle?

The formula for finding the area of a triangle is: Area = (base * height) / 2.

What is the area of a triangle with the base of 10 and the height of 12?

The area of triangle is : 60.0

How is the base height and area of a triangle related?

Because the area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height

How are the formulas for area of a triangle and rectangle similar?

the area of a triangle is half of the base times the height the area of a triangle is half of the base times the height

What is the area of a triangle with base 16 cm and altitude to that base of 8 cm?

The area of triangle is : 64.0

What is the area of a triangle 5xll?

Area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height

How can you find the height of a triangle if you have base and area?

The relation between the height of a triangle, its base and its area is given by: Area = 0.5 * Base * Height Therefore, we have: Height = (2 * Area)/ Base.

Area of a triangle base of 10 and a height of 15?

The area of a triangle is (1/2) x (length of the base) x (height of the triangle). You ought to be able to handle it from this point.