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Q: What is the best printing adding machine?
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What is the adding machine used for?

The adding machine is actually a calculator. but in the mid 1642's it was called an adding machine. it was used to help with mathimatics

What is printing machine?

A machine that prints words and pictures on paper

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to printi = imprimer a print = une impression when printing = en imprimant the machine is printing = la machine imprime / est en train d'imprimer

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For best results with a bread machine add yeast first, then the dry ingredients, then the wet ingredients.

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Its dependant on what the output is to be - if your are doing high volumes requiring a very good standards of print the go with printing press - it its a basic few here and there then a copier will do the job

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There are many screen printing presses that could be classed as the best in the world. MHM screen printing presses are the most efficient and reliable in the world. M&R's Sidewinder is the world's best entry level machine and A.W.T. World Trade Inc. is the world's leader in screen printing machines.

What is an adding machine?

An adding machine is a mechanical or electromechanical calculator which could perform addition and subtraction.

Is the printing press machine ran by electricity?

The first printing presses did not use electricity.