Approximately pi=22/7 for non intense calculations.
For more precise values use Mnemonics.
Count the characters in the words:
How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics. All of thy geometry, Herr Planck, is fairly hard...
More examples:
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 That's 60 digits not including the first 3.
What is the relationship between the circumference and the diameter? Answer The circumference divided by pi gives the diameter. d = C / pi An alternate way to express the above answer. For all circles, pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter pi = C / d
The diameter of a 22 circumference circle is: 7
(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...
3.14159 Pi is actually 3.141592654........... it goes on forever and that is all i can remember but u cant try using different websites as well. Some calculators say what pie is as well so just take a look around.
just remember it by 3.14 The best way to remember pi is by memorizing the sentence: "How I wish I could determine of circle round the exact relation Archimede found" The number of letters in each word of this sentence represents one figure of pi. Only the last figure (5) from the word "found" does not correspond to the correct figure of pi in its position.
you use the formula A = pi r2. r is the radius and a is the area of a circle. you can use the formula in revers by doing the r = squareroot(A/pi). a easy way to remember the formula pi r2 is to remember that "pies are square" even though they are round.
u remember
Tell it to me, and I will remember it for you! Free service!
Any formula involving a circle will have "pi" in it. Area = pi* radius * radius Circumference = pi * diameter = pi * radius * 2 ( the diameter is just 2 times the radius) Quick way: A = pi r squared C = pi D
you see pi is easy as pie all you have to do is remember 3.14159265
The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.To remember the spelling of "measure":Me - A - Sure
The best way to know and remember is to arrange them in Alphabetical Order.
Pi x r^2 In that Pi is approx. 3.14 and r^2 is the radius squared. Easy way to remember Pi , write 3.14 and flip over paper and read from other side (should look like Pi.e
Look at a map and figure a way to memorize it.
The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.To remember the spelling of "ironing":Ir - on - ing /or/ Iron - ing
Remember that the number has no other factor than one and that number.