Oh, what a delightful question! You can create the biggest number by arranging the digits in descending order. So, by using all the numbers 1 to 9, the largest number you can make is 987654321. Just like painting, it's all about arranging things in a way that brings you joy and beauty.
The biggest number that you can create using 1234 is 4321.
Using the digits 12279, the largest number that can be represented is 97,221.
That depends a lot on how often you may repeat each digit, and what operations are allowed. If you just want to write a four-digit number, using each digit once, start by writing the largest digit on the left, then continue with the second-largest, etc.
The biggest 4 digit number that can be made from using the digits of 850236, using a digit at most once, is 8653.
Assuming each digit only once: 65432 (and no further mathematical operations).
Oh, what a delightful question! You can create the biggest number by arranging the digits in descending order. So, by using all the numbers 1 to 9, the largest number you can make is 987654321. Just like painting, it's all about arranging things in a way that brings you joy and beauty.
The biggest number that can be made by arranging the digits is 951. However, 9^51 is a little under 5 trillion trillion trillion trillion, much larger than 951.