This will depend on the type of calculator you have. This will depend on the type of calculator you have.
to report an answer with the correct number of significant figures, you may need to write significant zeros after the calculator number.
To convert to a decimal from percent you type this into your calculator: 24.35 รท 100 = 0.2435
There is no such number on a calculator. If you see "R" on a calculator, it is probably some calculation - for example, conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. Check the manual for your calculator.
if it is a scientific calculator you just have to press replay at the top of the calculator
Get out calculator and divide the number by seven. If you can use a computer, use the calculator on your computer.
A 12 digit number.
to report an answer with the correct number of significant figures, you may need to write significant zeros after the calculator number.
Enter the number, then press the button marked with +/-
No. There is no number you can write that someone else can't come along and write "plus one" after it.
You type the digits, one after the other, from left to right.
"39+1=" would do it. Or if you are in the middle of multiplying, then "20x2"
To convert to a decimal from percent you type this into your calculator: 24.35 รท 100 = 0.2435
I used a calculator on the math test
There is no such number on a calculator. If you see "R" on a calculator, it is probably some calculation - for example, conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. Check the manual for your calculator.