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Q: What is the branch of math concerned with collection interpretation of data?
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What is unimodal curve?

a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters

What is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection classification description and interpretation of data obtained by the conduct of surveys and experiments?

It is statistics.

What is the main purpose of descriptive statistics?

Descriptive statistics is the branch of statistics concerned with the collection, organization, summation and presentation of data.

Steps in statistical investigation?

# Collection of Data # Processing # Presentation # Analysis of Data # Interpretation of Data

Is the historian more concerned with the interpretation than the accuracy of the data?


The historian is more concerned with the interpretation than the accuracy of the data?

Historians prioritize analyzing and interpreting historical data to understand its significance and meaning, rather than focusing solely on its accuracy. Interpretation allows historians to uncover complexities, patterns, and context within the data, offering insights into the past that go beyond simple facts. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of historical events and their lasting impact.

Is defined as systematic error in the collection or interpretation of epidemiologic data?


Is the historian is more concerned with the accuracy than the interpretation of the data?

Hell yeah

What are statistics in math?

"Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data." (Wikipedia)

What is the basic statistics?

Basic Statistics deals with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of quantitative data.

True or falseThe historian is more concerned with the interpretation than the accuracy of the data?

Its Me The Bro Steelo And The Real Answer Is False

What is the importance of statistics in research?

Ø Statistics is the science of collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. It has wide usage in the field of research. In fact all the data collection and interpretation techniques used in Research are part of statistics. Ø It makes use of descriptive statistics for collection of data and inferential statistics for drawing inferences from this set of data. Ø The subject called research statistics & statistics is very important in research because that is the backbone of your research. Ø The Numbers gives an easy idea of how you conducted your research. Ø Statistics provides a platform for research as to; How to go about your research, either to consider a sample or the whole population, the Techniques to use in data collection and observation, how to go about the data description (using measure of central tendency). Ø To wrap it up, statistics as a science of data collection, analysis, interpretation, explanation and presentation will guide you in research for proper characterization, summarization, presentation and interpretation of your research result for proper action.