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The mother will always contribute an X chromosome. So, assuming the father's X and Y chromosomes are equally likely, the answer is 1/2.

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Q: What is the chance that a human zygot will receive one x and one y sex cromosome during fertilization?
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What is the chance a human zygote will receive one X and one Y chromosome during fertilization?

The chance is 50%.

What is the chance that human zygote will receive one X and one Y sex chromosome during fertilization?

The chance is 50%.

What is a chance that a human zygote will receive one x and one y sex chromosome during fertilization?

The chance is 50%.

What is the chance that a human zygote will receive one x and one y sex chromosomes during fertilization?

The chance is 50%.

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Why are there generally more eggs and sperm cells produce during external fertilization thean internal fertilization

What unites during fertilization?

During fertilization the sperm unites with the egg. This typically occurs in the fallopian tube.

What is the chance that a human zygote will receive one X and one Y sex chromosome during fertilization 100 percent 25 percent 75 percent 50 percent?

Fifty percent. All eggs contain an X chromosome. Sperm are either X or Y, and are usually present in equal numbers.

The fusing together of two gametes at fertilization is?

Gametes fuse together during fertilization.

Is fertilization possible during menstruation?

Not the least

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What process by which the egg cell and sperm cell unite during sexual reproduction?

No. Fertilization is the joining of an egg and sperm.

Can fertilization happen during pregnancy?

No, there is no ovulation when pregnant.