

What is the circle object around us?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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maybe it's a venn diagram

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Q: What is the circle object around us?
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The distance around an object is called its perimeter. ------------------------------------------------- Or if it is a circle its circumference.

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The word perimeter means the distance around the outside of an object. The perimeter of a circle has a special name. We call it the circumference. The perimeter of this circle, or circumference, is 25 ft.

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It is a federal registration mark in the US.

What is used for the distance around the outside of an object?

The term is "perimeter", and it is the sum of the lengths of the sides. Note that if the object in question is a circle, the perimeter is called the "circumference."

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if you want me to answer this i need to know the shape, or dimensions