The least common denominator of the fractions 2/8, 10/11 and 2/3 is: 264.
A common denominator 24.
A common denominator, though not the least, is 1056.
11 over 24 (11/24) Here's how: You need to find a common denominator. The lowest common denominator is 24, but you can use any common denominator to subtract. So convert 5/6 to 24ths: multiply numerator and denominator by 4 = 20/24, then multiply numerator and denominator of 3/8 by 3 = 9/24. Now subtract 9 from 20 = 11, which is the numerator of the difference: 11/24. This is already in simplest form.
The Least Common Denominator of 3/4 and 7/8 is 8.
The least common denominator of the fractions 2/8, 10/11 and 2/3 is: 264.
The common denominator of 4/8 and 11/15 is 90.
A common denominator 24.
The common denominator of 5/8 and 3/4 is 32.The lowest common denominator (LCD) is 8.The highest common denominator (HCD) is 32.
A common denominator, though not the least, is 1056.
The least common denominator for fractions with those denominators (11, 8 and 6) is 264.
11 over 24 (11/24) Here's how: You need to find a common denominator. The lowest common denominator is 24, but you can use any common denominator to subtract. So convert 5/6 to 24ths: multiply numerator and denominator by 4 = 20/24, then multiply numerator and denominator of 3/8 by 3 = 9/24. Now subtract 9 from 20 = 11, which is the numerator of the difference: 11/24. This is already in simplest form.
1 is the only common denominator.