The least common denominator of the fractions 2/8, 10/11 and 2/3 is: 264.
The lowest common denominator is 30
What would be the ideal Common Denominator for 2 and 4?
A common denominator, though the least, is 240.
to add a fraction, get a common denominator, then add the numerators. example: 2/10+4/5 first get common denominators 2/10+8/10 then add the numerators 10/10 (simplify) 1 to subtract from a fraction, get common denominator, then subtract the numerators. example: 4/5-2/10 first get common denominators 8/10-2/10 then subtract the numerators 6/10 (simplify) 3/5
The least common denominator of the fractions 2/8, 10/11 and 2/3 is: 264.
what is 1 over 10 and 2 over 15 with the same denominator
The lowest common denominator would be 10, so 1/2 would be 5/10 and 1/5 would be 2/10.
9/10 and 2/20
It is 130
It is: 90