If 9, 11, and 16 are all denominators, you could multiply them together to come up with a common denominator of 1,584.
The least common denominator (LCD) is 630.
The lowest common denominator of the fractions 2 over 9 and 1 over 6 is 18.
3 - 4-1/2 = 6/2 - 9/2 common denominator would be 2.
There are many common denominators for 9/11 and 1/2. The lowest is 22.
It is: 110
1188 is a common denominator for 9,11,12
9 is the common denominator. 2/3 = 6/9.
since 9 and 11 have no common factors, the LCD is 99
If 9, 11, and 16 are all denominators, you could multiply them together to come up with a common denominator of 1,584.
990 is one possible answer.What common denominator can 9 11 and 10 go into? In Math and Arithmetic
LCD(8, 11, 9) = 792