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Think commute (like somebody who commutes to work), and then think of 'move around'. Addition and multiplication are commutative: X + Y is the same as Y + X.

A*B is the same as B*A (the * means to multiply) Subtraction and division are not commutative.

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Q: What is the commutation rule in math?
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What are the types of commutation?

Two types of commutation process 1) Natural commutation 2) Forced commutation

How commutation can be improve?

Generally there are two methods of improving Commutation :- 1.Resistance Commutation 2.Emf or Voltage Commutation The Commutation can also be improve by using interpoles and compensating windings.

What is load commutation?

it is a type of forced commutation technique of thyristor

what is the rule of math?

The first rule of math is to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

What is commutation of thyristor?

the process of turning off of a thyrisror is known as commutation

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Kadema's Rule

What is the difference between current and voltage commutation?

Voltage commutation: This is possible in ac circuits...The thyristor gets turned off by reverse bias (negative half cycle) voltage applied across it. This is also called line commutation. Current Commutation: This is possible in dc circuits ...This type of commutation makes use of auxiliary circuit which contains inductor,capacitor,diode and even a thyristor(auxiliary). This is called Forced commutation.

What in math is the rule?

there is no rule i think my teacher said its about the pattern

What is a mathamatical rule?

a rule used to solve math questions

Natural commutation is used in which kind of circuit?

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What are the problems of commutation in a DC generator?

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