Thales was not a chemist; important contributions in geometry and astronomy.
thales philosophies
Thales was a great mathematician . He belongs to the country of Turkey
Fibonacci is famous for his contributions to number theory.
A teacher
He created a model for the universe that explained retrograde motion if Earth was at the centre.
trololol...hahahaXD stop cheatin:P get your own answer.haha
There is no Contribution of Thales in the field of trignometry.........
Antoine Lavoisier was a French nobleman and chemist. His contribution to the development of the modern atomic theory was his idea of the possibility of an Atomic Mass.
The contribution of anyone prior to about 1600 to the development of atomic theory might as well be "nothing whatsoever." Democritus and/or Leucippus contributed the name "atomos", but not much else; they were wrong about nearly every detail. John Dalton is just about the earliest scientist to have had any significant contribution to atomic theory, and most of what we now consider atomic theory was developed since about 1900.
One scientist who made important contributions to atomic theory is John Dalton. He is known for his work on the atomic theory of matter, proposing that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. His ideas laid the foundation for modern chemistry.
Ernest Rutherford contributed to the atomic theory through his gold foil experiment. He discovered that there was a positively charged central core to the atom and he called it the nucleus.
Leukippus, Democritus, Dalton, Bohr, Rutherford, Thomson and many others.
Robert A. Millikan was the first to determine the electrical charge of the electron.
Benjamin Franklin made several contributions to various scientific fields. In atomic theory, he was the first to propose how to measure the size of an atom.
John Dalton was an English scientist in the eighteenth century. He developed atomic theory and published a table of atomic weights.
Arthur Compton made significant contributions to the atomic theory by discovering the Compton effect, which provided experimental evidence for the particle nature of light. This discovery helped establish the understanding that light can behave as both a wave and a particle, which was fundamental to the development of quantum mechanics.
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a physicist who is often credited as the "father of the atomic bomb." He led the Manhattan Project during World War II that developed the first atomic bomb. His contributions to the atomic theory revolutionized modern warfare and had a profound impact on the course of history.